Hi guys and gals,
I've been contemplating writing a blog post since writing the last, one problem was.. what could I write about? Since we're now three/four weeks into summer I thought I'd write about what's happened so far.
To be honest, not a lot has happened, really. I've discovered new things, bought new items and seen new people. That's about it.
Right at the beginning of summer, the first day actually... I visited London - my favourite city ever. I always have major withdrawals when I'm not there. I have no idea how I'm going to cope when I move to uni which is right near the sea. I'm such a city girl at heart. Moving on swiftly, I visited London with one of my favourite people, Jodie and what a great day we had. The day started off at our traditional place of McD's on Oxford Street which then resulted in us deciding what to do with our day together. I hate the fact that we live so far away from each other, which means when we do get to spend a day together we like to make the most of it. We both decided that catching the tube to Camden then decide what to do from there was the best idea. When we got to Camden we browsed the famous markets and found a place which done the most amazing little Danish pancakes, ever! Definitely worth finding them and checking them out whilst you're in London. There is also a shop which sold little cute keepsake things ranging from little rings, Buddhas and amazing decorated rugs, in all different sizes. May I also add this shop smelt amazing! Once we had spent the afternoon in Camden, drinking coffee, chatting and browsing we then headed over to Leicester Square where we decided to take trip to China Town to get dinner. What better place to buy a Chinese takeaway than China Town? We walked around China Town taking everything in whilst eating sweet and sour chicken, noodles, rice and chips. It was perfect. We ended the day back at Oxford Street and had a browse of more shops, which was a lovely way to end the day. We caught the tube back together and said our goodbyes, I hate goodbyes with a passion.. sigh.
I've had a few days out to friends houses or they've come to mine. I like to think seeing my friends before going away for three years is a nice way to prepare for the day where I leave for uni in September. (59 DAYS TO GO!!!) One of the girls I've seen a lot over the summer is Shannon. She's been such a huge support and I'm honestly so grateful (and lucky) to have a friend like her. Anyhow, one day in particular which has stood out for me over summer, was a day where we were literally laying around all day watching Youtube vlogs/videos, ate loads of crappy food and put the world to right. During the afternoon Shannon introduced me to a lady, via Youtube, who is so inspiring, uplifting and literally so genuinely happy (and also has the most amazing laugh ever).. Sierra Boggess. Sierra Boggess is a Broadway/West-End actress who has played characters in numerous amounts of shows i.e.: The Little Mermaid, The Phantom Of The Opera and Les Mis. Although she has such an amazing personality I was really taken back with her voice. It is super super stunning, the first artist in forever that has honestly given me goosebumps, ALL OVER. If you're having a real rubbish day or you're wanting someone to make you smile and laugh, I suggest you watch interviews/videos of her online. Sierra will guarantee to make you smile, instantly. In the words of Sierra Boggess "You are enough, you are so enough, it unbelievable how enough you are."
As the weeks are going on, I'm now having to think about buying things for my big move to uni, which is so exciting. Recently I went shopping with my dad and bought a duvet, pillows and mattress protector. Never in my life did I think I'd be so excited with buying these things. Also in my buying spree I found an academic diary. Now I wanted a diary for uni, but not your average all year diary, I wanted one specifically for uni and squealed when I found one. It's got a cute little tie-dye cover on the front. I'm so excited to start filling it out. The place to buy one of these if you're looking for one is 'The Works'.
Finally, recently it was my aunties 40th. It was such a lovely day weather-wise with the temperature heading up to around maybe even slightly over 30oC heat. We all headed out for a meal in the evening with all my auntie's family and friends and it was such a gorgeous evening. It was spent laughing and smiling about happy things that have happened recently and over time. The restaurant was set by a stream and has one of the most amazing views outside. The food was incredible and the company was even better. I really hope my auntie had an amazing day, as she deserves it so much.
That's enough of my ramblings.. If you've read it all up to here you should definitely give yourself a massive pat on the back. I'll do another blog post in a few weeks to update what's happening further in my summer before uni. I'm hoping to write a few posts in-between! Let me know if you have an specific things you'd like me to write about on my blog and I'll do my best, I'm always looking for 'blogspiration'.
Chow for now x
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