Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Week three/half of four - oops.

Hi guys and girls,

I'm back. Can you believe that tomorrow I moved to Southampton a month ago? A whole entire month. Insane. The first few weeks are always going to be the hardest but I feel like I have settled in a lot more compared to my first blog post that I've written since being here. I feel like I have my bearings around my new home now, although I still haven't taken a trip to the docks yet... must. do. that. soon. 

Anyhow, uni has now completely started and is in full swing. Before starting my course I was a little nervous about 'not being good enough' and all them kind of things, but it turns out I had nothing to worry about. We do skills sessions in different lessons in the week which helps us build knowledge on different programmes such as; Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. I've always wanted to find out how to use Illustrator and I'm super super excited to be learning about that later this week. 

This weekend just gone it marked the end of freshers. Freshers partying lasted a whole two weeks and within them two weeks I only went out twice, three times if you count the night I moved in. The first week I had a really heavy cold and the last week I just couldn't be bothered. I'm that type of person who would rather spend money on food rather than alcohol - boring? maybe. Freshers ball was on Sunday night and it was incredible. It was held in the club in town - Oceana. They had artists play such as Jess Glynne, Zane Lowe and MK. My favourite part of the whole night was definitely the silent disco. How weird. When you walk into the room you are given headphones which have two channels that you can flick between. The DJ's are still in the club, just you have your music played through the headphones. When you take them off though the whole club could be singing two different songs - hilarious. 

This week I have also decided the date which I will be returning back to my hometown - halloweeeeeeen. I can't wait to see family as I have missed them all so much since being here. 

Also, just another little thing. I have a new blog over at wordpress where I will be keeping all my uni graphics and graphics which I do in my spare time at. Please check it out at: www.charlottenlucas.wordpress.com 

(I will however be blogging more personal blogs, OOTD posts etc on here.)

I best go and catch up on the Eastenders I have missed and stop eating this toffee popcorn. 

Ciao for now xx

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